Sunday, 15 November 2015

Links of Company Career Pages




:: bAYT -




:: HP - HTTPS://H30631.WWW3.HP.COM/




:: vIRTUAL JOB MARKET (mohre) -
:: dubai careers -
:: fuijairah government jobs -









Tuesday, 10 November 2015

How Important is LinkedIn for Your Career?

The short answer is VERY. Recruiters, collegues and potential connections are all using the LinkedIn site to recruit, network and to develop relationships. It is the best professional site around for exchanging information on career related topics and as a tool to help you build your brand.

Have you joined LinkedIn yet? It’s hard to imagine you haven’t, yet many of you have passed it up favoring Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. These other sites are fun and somewhat effective in building an audience, yet they don’t do much to help you in your job search or in your professional life.

You need to have a presence on LinkedIn that reflects where you are currently in your job and what value you offer a potential employer and future client. It is your online résumé and your bio needs to be exceptional.  It is a critical business tool and your file should always be updated with your current achievements and specific projects you are working on.

LinkedIn allows you to build your brand on one site where the world is watching. The site makes it easy to use and share. I have my LinkedIn link on my e-mail for a quick reference to my background. It is like sending your resume to everyone you touch and makes it easier for them to learn about who you are, quickly.

It is essential to make your profile here as good as you can. Make sure to tell a story about who you are and what you are doing, so that people notice you. Make sure your summary is well-written and you have a professional profile photo that reflects who you are. Don’t get cute with your photo, just post a great shot of you.

Head hunters and company recruiters all use LinkedIn to source people for jobs. It is becoming the number one place to find people, so don’t miss your opportunity by not having a professional summary or not even being on the site. In this highly competitive world we live in, you need to make sure you are represented and can be found on-line.

The time to look for work is when you are not looking! By keeping your LinkedIn profile current, you are ready to be presented whether actively or passively when the time comes to change jobs. There may be a perfect job out there just waiting for you that you have never considered, so make it easy for people to find you via LinkedIn.

full article :

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Report fake Job Agents


Local newspaper Classified sections in UAE do contain fake job advertisements time to time. They will post attractive job descriptions such as Free Zone jobs, Walk in interviews, Banking Jobs etc 

Once you contact or visit them, they will charge you amounts in the range of Aed 300 with a promise of a job which will never get materialized. 

If you come across such fake job agencies, please report them immediately to Consumer Right Protection Department

Tel : 800 80000
Web :
Tel : 600 545555
Web :

Monday, 2 November 2015

Here are some good CV templates for you to download

Click Here

Making your CV look good

Arrange your CV headings by order of importance. List key data and areas of expertise at the top of your CV.

- Career summary or statement.
- Areas of expertise.
- Career history.
- Duties and responsibilities.
- Academic qualifications.
- References.

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How to Write a Great Resume and Cover Letter

Click here for the Video

CV templates to fit every stage of your career

If you're struggling to write a CV, here are some examples to help you stand out whether you're a graduate, career changer, freelancer or ladder climber
Click here

Working in UAE : What is a Ban?

What is Ban?
Ban is a legal mechanism that prevents employee or residents from re-entering the same country or a person who served ban is will be unable to work or live in specific Country.

Types of Ban in United Arab Emirates:
There are Two Types of Ban in United Arab Emirates.
1. Immigration Ban
2. Labour Ban, Employment Ban or Work permit Ban

Immigration Ban

What is Immigration Ban?
All countries except UAE and GCC nationals need permission for the Government of UAE (Ministry of Immigration) to enter in UAE or any part of UAE, as each Emirate of UAE has their own Immigration section with different rules and regulations.
So, if you are denied to enter in UAE you should know you have Immigration ban from Government of UAE.

Reason of Immigration Ban:
There are numerous reasons of immigration bans in UAE but we will discuss the most important and popular cause of bans in Emirates.
You will be banned or you cannot enter UAE or any emirate of UAE if you have Immigration Ban due to any Criminal offences, Illegal Visa entry or exit, Fake passports entry and exits, Weapons or ammunition, Drugs, Bounced cheques, Murder case, Serious Abusing case with UAE Citizens, inappropriate relationship, theft, rape, violence, Breaking serious Rules and regulation of UAE Government, or any other crimes.

How to Remove Immigration Ban?
The mostly asked question is how to remove immigration ban, is there any way or any e-services provided from government of UAE or from Ministry of Immigration? The answer will be a big NO.
You will face immigration ban till the time you are cleared by Ministry of Immigration or you have served your Sentence.
Labour Ban or Work Permit Ban

What is Labour Ban?
Leaving a job without any reason, breaking terms and condition of Labour Contract or Started another job before finishing the first contract will cause Labour ban on you.

How many types of Labour ban?
Labour ban also known as Employment ban or work permit ban and there are two types of Labour Ban.
1. 6 months Labour ban
2. 1 year Labour ban

What is the Reason of 6 Months Labour ban?
Every Employee of UAE will be banned automatically by Ministry of Labour (MOL) if you leave a current company (job) without any solid reason, and the duration of this ban will be 6 Months. You will not allow entering again to any emirate of UAE until you cleared the ban status.

Can I travel to UAE on Visit Visa if I have 6 months ban?
Yes there is no restriction by Government or Ministry of Labours for you to enter any Emirates of United Arab Emirates on Tourist or Visit Visa.

How to Remove 6 Months Labour Ban?
Is there any way to Remove 6 months ban inside UAE?
How to remove 6 months ban?
How to remove labour ban without leaving country?
How to apply for another visa if you have labour ban for 6 months?
Internet and social sites are full of these questions that how to remove ban or is there any E-services provided for Labours by Government of UAE the answer will be big YES.
You can remove your 6 months ban without Leaving Uae by finding a job in any Free zone of United Arab Emirates or Any Government Job but you have to mention qualification above high school with 5000 AED monthly Salary, Diploma holders with 7000 AED monthly salary and Bachelor’s degree holders with 12000 monthly salary in new Agreement.

What is the Reason of 1 Year Labour ban?
Losing a case in any emirates of UAE against your employer (Company), leaving a Government Job before completing your Limited labour Contract or Violation of Terms and Conditions of your Labour Contract will put 1 year ban on you and you will not allowed to visit UAE until you finish 1 year Labour ban.

Lucky Employee who will not face Labour Ban?
Is there anyone in UAE who will not face Labour Ban? Yes below mention employees may not have a Labour ban:

1.Citizens of UAE will not have immigration and Labour ban.
2.Joining an Oil company.
3.Employees who are Changing job within same free zones.
4.Employees who are joining Government or Semi-Government Organizations.
5. Employees who have completed their Limited term contracts.
6.Employees who have completed 3 years of Service under Unlimited term contract.

New law lifts two-year ban on expats' re-entry to Qatar

When Law No. 21 of 2015 that regulates the entry, exit and residency of expatriates in Qatar comes into force towards the end of next year, the current two-year ban on expatriates who want to come back to the country on a new work visa will no longer be applicable.

Read More :

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Credit Cards danger in UAE

To some people credit cards are a handy part of life and to others a route to debt that can cause major problems. Here we take a look at how credit cards work in Dubai and how to manage your card and your debt sensibly.
You will get offered many credit cards whilst in Dubai from your own bank and from others but you really need to think carefully before applying or accepting one. A lot of people use credit cards wrongly and end up in major debt that they can’t handle.
You are usually offered a credit card with a limit 2 times or 3 times your monthly salary which sounds great but think that you would have to work for 3 months without spending anything else to pay that card off- so do you really want your limit to be that high?
Decide a sensible limit in advance to yourself and stick to it- one month’s salary as a limit is probably manageable. This means that you won’t go crazy on the card and you could pay it off in one or two months’ time if you had to.
Think about your exit strategy- you have to pay off all debts and loans in Dubai before relocating elsewhere, so being able to pay off your credit card in the future is a very important consideration to be made. You can end up in major trouble if you abscond without paying your debt that can ruin your future, inhibit your travel and even end in imprisonment.
Most banks offer debit cards these days that are widely accepted so ask yourself if you really need an actual credit card. Most online transactions can now be done with a debit card- online shopping, bill payment etc. helping you to not live beyond your means.
Don’t plan to get a credit card to make a major purchase- why not take out a personal loan instead? The interest is less and the payments are more manageable, for a fixed term and you won’t be tempted to just put that one more thing on your card.
You can decide how much of the balance of the card you are going to pay off every month- the lowest is usually 5% up to 100%. Clever people have as a high a % as possible- this means you are lowering more off the balance of what you actually owe, rather than the majority of your monthly payment paying off the interest of your spending.
Don’t be tempted if your credit card company calls to raise your spending limit because before you know it you will have spent up to that limit- stick to your guns and keep sensible.
If you find you have gone too high on your credit card and it is with your bank arrange a meeting with them to ask if you can convert the outstanding balance to a load in order to pay off the card quicker and with lesser interest payments to be made. If you do manage to arrange this- cut the card up- do not ever use it again!
To manage your credit card spending there are little tips and tricks you can do to minimise your exposure like not carrying your credit card around with you to avoid temptation- some people even freeze theirs in a block of ice in the freezer so it could be thawed and used for emergencies but not for that new pair of jeans you really must have but really don’t need.
Try to live within your means and don’t be too tempted by offers of high credit limits our elders had a great saying- if you can’t afford it you can’t have it...

How to accept a job in a GCC state while working in another

In order to obtain a new employment visa from a prospective employer in the UAE, employee should cancel the visa held from the other state.

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Nine in ten bosses vet applicants on Facebook: Half have reconsidered offering a job after seeing a candidate's social media accounts

Those who are failing interviews time and time again, think about this too. How is your FB life going?
With the online presence and social media, we are so exposed to outside world. Employers will not just go through your CV

When we add people into our group, we do similar checks. So I can imagine employers do the same

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  Covid ප් ‍ රශ්නෙන් පස්සෙ, මේ වෙනකොට විදේශ ගමන් සදහා ලාන්කිකයොන්ට අවස්තාව ලැබිල තියෙනව නමුත්, Colombo Airport එකේදි, ලාන්කික මගීන්ව ඉතාමත්ම...